She Calls the Shots About Who Goes To Hell

The next day.

When Pei Yunge went to the hospital, Old Master Qin's condition was worse than everyone thought.

On the hospital bed.

Old Master Qin's face was pale as he closed his eyes tightly. The little flesh on his face that he had painstakingly raised over the past year had sunken significantly.

The atmosphere in the ward was heavy. Only Mrs Qin could not help but pull Mr Qin.

"Ting, has Dad already made a will?"

Mr Qin struggled free from her, his voice extremely hoarse. "What are you arguing about?! Dad is still lying here and you're already talking about this?"

Mrs Qin bit her lip. "But some things still have to be calculated clearly."

If the Old Master was really leaving, he could not give everything to Pei Yunge.

At this thought, Mrs Qin could not help sneering in her heart.