The Big Boss Is Looking For Trouble, A Large Scale Loss!

These two years.

Director Yang had put in a lot of effort, hoping to get to know this Director of the CI7 Intelligence, Jiang Song.

However, Jiang Song had always been low-key and secretive. No one had found any chance to approach him in the past few years!

He never thought that Jiang Song would take the initiative to come to the police station for Tang Shu today?!

Then wouldn't they have a chance to build a good relationship with CI7?

Tang Shu smiled indifferently and distantly. "Mm, but Director Jiang might not want too many irrelevant people."

After hearing this.

Director Yang glanced around and instructed someone to clear the area, except for a few people who were working.


Tang Shu asked, "Did Director Yang forget what you promised me?"

"How could I forget?"

Director Yang turned around and said to Lu Zhiyan, "Lu Zhiyan, let Mr Tang go. How can you arrest someone without evidence?"