My Good Older Brother, Fernans Is Provoked

The Head of Department grabbed a handful of fish food and walked to the transparent fish tank to feed it. "Our Yun University child is good at everything, but she's too arrogant and ignorant."

"Isn't Pei Yunge the first one? She's very rebellious."

The Head of Department snorted. He was already looking forward to the outcome of this group of arrogant geniuses being beaten up by society.

"The person who released the paper this time is Professor Smith, who came over from Nili University. I won't let him have mercy. I just want this group of brats to learn a lesson."


In the living room.

Huo Shidu was listening to the economic news as he glanced at the documents in his hand casually.

Only Old Master Fernans' face darkened with anger.

He leaned on his walking stick and said angrily, "What do you mean??

"I know you don't have a good relationship with Roland, but how can you send your biological father to jail like this?!"