Master Du: Master Pei Has Such Unyielding Spirit

For the first time, Pei Yunge was a little afraid of this man.

Seeing Huo Shidu unraveling her robe, Pei Yunge subconsciously grabbed his wrist.

It stopped him from continuing.

However, Huo Shidu held the side of her face and caressed her wet and red eyeilds with his fingers. He chuckled and asked intimately.

"Useless. You're afraid now? Little b*stard."

She was usually very daring to torture him.

If they were serious, she would almost cry.


Pei Yunge's ears drooped. "Huo Shidu, my legs are weak."

Huo Shidu asked slowly, "Why were you unhappy just now?"

Pei Yunge glanced at him and slowly raised an eyebrow.

Her already charming and bright eyes were filled with some provocation, making one's heart itch.

It was a typical case of forgetting her lesson.

The man chuckled softly. Before anyone could react, his well-defined hand suddenly grabbed her legs and pulled her closer!