Why Must Everyone Be Shocked By Y.G..

Si Chengyan still had the cheek to call to ask for credit and was very smug. "How is it, Little Pei? What do you think?"

After Pei Yunge slowly finished her fried dough sticks, she said slowly, "Okay, you can do this for my funeral. I'll see if I can revive a corpse on the spot."

Si Chengyan was speechless.

"This is how 'Pretty Youths Training Camp' does it, but they don't have the talent I have." Si Chengyan was quite smug.


Why did she agree to let Si Chengyan enter the exhibition center as a staff?

"Let me tell you, my system is very good, especially when you come over! Do you dare to imagine how amazing your entrance would be?" Si Chengyan was already arrogant.

Pei Yunge was speechless.

"Si Chengyan, I'll give you half an hour. If you don't get rid of the thing, I'll find something to test how hard your skull is."

Pei Yunge smirked and hung up the call. Only Si Chengyan heard the beep and shivered inexplicably.