Do You Think You're Very Polite?

"Student Deng."

Pei Yunge hummed calmly, but as if she thought of something, she clarified, "I don't smoke much usually."

Deng Xuyi looked unconvinced with a mysterious smile.

"I understand, I understand. Master Pei, don't buy it. Let's find a good place first."

With that said, Pei Yunge was pulled to a secluded corner of the square. She saw this petite girl smoking familiarly.

"Are you used to peppermint-flavored cigarettes?"

She first lit the cigarette by her lips and handed one to Pei Yunge.

Pei Yunge pinched her fingers lazily and bent down slightly. The way she bit on the cigarette was languid and bright.

Before Deng Xuyi could regain her senses and hand the lighter to Pei Yunge, she saw Pei Yunge burning the cigarette butt.

In such a close distance, even Deng Xuyi almost couldn't stand this man's handsome face. Her heart was pounding.

"Thank you."