Continent K Is Rising Secretly and Yun University's Team Is Splitting!

The assistant's eyes widened in shock.

The scientific research association in Continent K only recruited new students once every five years!

If this news spread, who knew how many people would rush into Continent K to participate in this academic exchange!!

However, the assistant immediately understood that Qiao Lan was probably afraid that the person Old Master Xie found was not good and planned to choose one of the contestants this year.

The assistant also said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll satisfy you."

The next day.

The recruitment of the research institute shocked the entire academic field in Continent K. Even the foreign continent was restless!

This was the most popular K Continent Research Association!

Besides, this year's Qiao Lan from the K Continent Research Association had already been nominated for both the Nosding Physics Prize and the Jens Biology Prize!!