Funeral Act, Crazy Big Boss!

"Huang Jun!"

The Head of Department roared with a dark expression. He was so angry that he was trembling when he saw the malfunctioning computers in the office.

"Dean, why are you arguing here?" Huang Jun, who had just returned from the pantry, could not help asking with a smile when he saw the dean's dark expression.

"Someone attacked our research institute's system! What is your technical department doing?? How can it be attacked so easily?!"

The Head of Department questioned with a dark expression.

"Attack? Impossible!"

Huang Jun retorted instinctively, feeling that this matter was too ridiculous. He immediately returned to his desk, but found that the computer had indeed been hacked.

He laughed mockingly. "Which fool dares to climb over the head of the big boss without even learning how to do it?"

The Head of Department said with a dark expression, "Hurry and settle it!