Who Is This Qiao Lan? A Big Boss Fight!

The smile in Pei Yunge's eyes turned even colder and there was an obvious ruthlessness in them. Even Yang Zhenkun could not help feeling his scalp turn numb.

Yang Zhenkun only found out that Pei Yunge was very likely Lin Lanjun's granddaughter when he heard Song Yao say that this afternoon.

However, the strange thing was that there were no rumors about Lin Lanjun's relatives online.

Yang Zhenkun checked for a long time and only found out through Song Yao's personal account that his master was the heir of the Qin Corporation in Country A and the youngest musician in the International Musicians' Association, YUN.

However, half a year ago, as YUN's personal account was deleted from the Internet, her news disappeared.

It was obvious that Pei Yunge did not like the attention of the public.

Pei Yunge was calling Xuan Yuan when the other party answered quickly.

She said slowly, "Xuan Yuan, help me investigate what this Qiao Lan is."