191 Golden Sign! Humiliating the Research Association!

Referee Xu had already found Yang Zhenkun familiar, but now he completely remembered this person's identity. "So it's really you, Director Yang Zhenkun!"

However, on second thought, Referee Xu realized how well-connected that new noble in the scientific research field was. She even had her people in Laboratory 191 of the Confederation…

Referee Xu's scalp turned numb, but Yang Zhenkun glanced at the people from the Research Association in an extremely high-profile manner. The disdain in his eyes was self-evident.

"I've lived for a long time. I didn't expect even the Research Association to make a comeback."

Yang Zhenkun did not give the other party any face at all. He kept calling it a 'miracle', making the faces of the people from the Research Association darken!