Master Pei's Failure! Old Fan Is Overjoyed!!

The butler muttered and glanced at the door nervously and fearfully, but he still stood in front of Pei Yunge.

He thought that if there was any danger, he must protect Pei Yunge well.


The people outside the door came very quickly. Not long after, the butler saw more than ten people carrying a heavy box into the living room.

It even made people suspect if the box contained the limbs and heads of some corpse…

Zhong Yangsheng, who was at the back, was wearing a black Tang suit. His eyes were extremely dignified and when he walked over, it almost made the butler's heart jump to his throat!

"Miss Pei."

Zhong Yangsheng looked at Pei Yunge. Just as the butler was about to defend her, he saw Zhong Yangsheng bow to Pei Yunge.

Seeing this, the butler froze, not understanding what was going on.

This was the famous President Zhongyang Sheng!!

Not many people in Continent K dared to accept Zhong Yangsheng's gift!