Just A Couple Of Small Experiments

Liu Qian was caught by surprise. "Then who do you want to help Jiang Mingyue, Mr. Qi?"

Dai Jie was one of the best students in Bioinformatics. He was already a senior and wanted to do postgraduate studies.

Qi Hui looked at Liu Qian and got straight to his point. "Why don't you help the girl personally with the data analysis, Mr. Liu?"

Most of the student research team projects were completed solely by the students. At best, the teachers could offer some suggestions.

If a teacher was involved in helping the students with their work, what was the point of conducting research?

Liu Qian instantly looked annoyed. Since he was in an unpopular division, he always tolerated the snide remarks he received from everyone else and did his utmost to be nice. He was afraid that his students would suffer differential treatment from the teachers belonging to the other divisions.