Call Them Over!

Dai Jie touched his nose. Although he was curious, he knew he was not in the position to ask to stay any further.

Before long, he left the office.

An hour later, Zhao Lian arrived at the department.

After chatting with Liu Qian, he said, "I have seen Qi Hui's student's thesis previously. The first time I saw it, it was about genetic engineering and wasn't very good. Then he showed me a revised version. It was about genetic code decipherment just like you mentioned. Her arguments and calculations were a lot better."

Zhao Lian paused before placing the glass of tea on the coffee table. "Does this mean Huo Yao was behind the second thesis?"

The first time he read the article, he felt that Jiang Mingyue was a gifted student for being able to come up with a completely novel and solid concept in such a short span of time.