Not Surprised

Backlash, what a terrifying word.

What had happened just then blew the doctors' minds.

Ah-Ling had closed the door, but there were still Song family members anxiously waiting outside. Song Siyin asked the doctor to send Song Yanqing back to the VIP ward without letting others disturb him.

He had many things to figure out.

In the past, Song Yanqing had been weak, but why was he now on the verge of death?

And now, he had been magically saved by Qiao Jin.

Song Siyin went out to announce the incident. "It's okay. Yanqing has been rescued."

Song Yanqing's sister Song Suyu abruptly stood up and stared at Song Siyin, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Dad, are you serious?"

The doctor just came out and announced that he was dead, so why did he now say he was saved?

Song Siyin nodded. "He's already awake…"

While they were talking, Ah-Ling and the medical staff pushed Song Yanqing out on the hospital bed.

The Song family saw Song Yanqing lying on the hospital bed looking sickly, but he was clearly awake.

Some people in the crowd wore stunned expressions, and some even cried with joy. Song Yanqing's mother had passed out and was now being treated.

Song Suyu stood up. When she saw Song Yanqing, tears fell. "Yanqing, I'm glad that you are well."

Although the doctor had notified them that Song Yanqing had stopped breathing, he must have been resuscitated after further treatment. This was often the case in hospitals.

However, some people noticed Qiao Jin, who shouldn't have been there at all.

Song Yanqing looked at her and smiled airily. "Sister, I'm fine."

He looked around. Because his accident happened so suddenly, several people from the Song family had come.

Song Siyin said, "He has just received first aid and needs to rest for a while, but he is all right now. I thank you all for coming all the way here, but you can all go back now. We will stay here tonight."

The others were all more distant relatives of the Song family. Even if they felt suspicious and had questions, they dared not speak up.

Song Siyin asked the driver to send everyone back one by one, but he and Song Suyu stayed behind.

In the ward, the doctors all retreated. In the extremely secure ward, only Qiao Jin, Song Suyu, Song Siyin, and Song Yanqing remained.

Ah-Ling guarded the door to prevent others from entering.

Song Siyin was not very surprised when he saw Qiao Jin's supernatural methods. He gazed at Qiao Jin with a complicated look in his eyes. "I wanted to ask you. What is going on with my son?"

Song Suyu was a little confused. She didn't recognize Qiao Jin. She'd only seen Qiao Jin enter the ward. Now, she looked at them and asked, "Dad, this is…?"

Song Siyin briefly explained to Song Suyu, "This is Mu Zhenming's daughter, Qiao Jin."

Song Suyu knew Mu Zhenming, and she'd vaguely heard about his wife, so she was a little surprised at this.

She was elegant and graceful. Her eyes were still red, but she said to Qiao Jin, "Greetings, Miss Qiao."

Qiao Jin simply nodded slightly. She seemed a little excited as she looked at Song Siyin. "Don't you think this is beyond the laws of nature?"

After seeing her using such a supernatural method for the first time, ordinary people would be shocked, right?

But Song Siyin didn't seem so surprised.

Song Siyin sighed. "A person in my position frequently encounters situations that ordinary people wouldn't be able to fathom. I have seen similar things in the past, so I am not that surprised."

Obviously, he had witnessed such a scene before.