Weak, Helpless, and Pitiful

Bai Ruoruo bit her lips as her eyes flushed and filled with tears that were on the brink of falling down her face, looking truly pitiful. "It's okay… Sister Xiang Yi, it's just a cat, I won't bicker with it..."

Several comments brushed by saying things like [Ruoruo is so kind] and [Poor girl].

"That's enough!" A shout came from Xiang Yu as he picked up Xiao Naofu, softly rubbing its back. "I don't believe that Xiao Naofu would scratch you for no reason! Don't slander it!"

Bai Ruoruo: ???

Seeing someone supporting it, XIao Naofu began to cry out more and more: "Meow~meow meow~~!"

Xiang Yu felt very distressed for the cat's well being.

Look! The poor cat has already been so wronged!

"Little baby, don't be scared, you have me."

The netizens: ???

  — [/Shocked/ Smog actually called a cat baby??]

  — [Hahaha I'm laughing so hard all the lights within a 10-km radius are flashing for me]