Big Brother Will Protect You

The man's aura was too strong as it crushed down on Xiao Liang. Their eyes met, and within a few seconds, he was so scared his legs began to tremble.

With a "thump", he fell to the ground. His phone slipped out of his pocket, the screen still on, displaying his search terms for 'pinhole camera, bedroom, bathroom, sneaking photos' etc.

Shi Sui instantly narrowed his eyes as his whole body took on a menacing demeanor.

Xiao Liang was on the brink of tears and his arrogant attitude was completely flipped. "I...I didn't install these, what, is it illegal to think about it..."

Shi Sui's appearance was grim.

How could this garbage human think about hurting the young girl, the young girl he himself treasured so much he didn't dare mess around?!

"Xiang Li, take your sister inside." Shi Sui said in a low voice.

"I can handle my sister's problems on my own!" Xiang Li responded, displeased.