Obsessed with Edition A, Immersed in Edition B

The crowd flocked to Weibo, only to find that two minutes ago, the official Weibo account of My Style magazine had updated their status. 

—— [@MyStyle: #XiangYiXShiSuiJuneMagazineCover 

"I've waited a thousand years just to meet you. The mass is not proportional to the volume. She attracts me with a mass that far exceeds that of the EARTH, and I want to plunge into hell together with her. However, I saw a star at the end of the endless abyss." 

@ShiSui @XiangYi Edition A "Obsessed" is for the ladies, and Edition B "Immersed" is for the gentlemen. Please look forward to the physical copy of the magazine, Shackled to the Morning Star!]

At the bottom of the post, there were also three pre-order links, two of which were for the electronic issues of the magazine and the other for the physical copy. The sales would begin at 12 pm sharp.