Zhiwei, Did You Do It?【2】

"Brother Wang, wait. It's so late, yet you called me to say a bunch of vague things. What do you mean by this?"

When Qie Wang heard Li Zhiwei's voice, he really hoped that this matter had nothing to do with Li Zhiwei.

If not, with Xie Xuning's temperament, once he really found out about this matter, Qie Wang was afraid that even the capital might feel his wrath.

"I had a few drinks. That must be the alcohol talking. Don't mind my words, and just go to sleep."

Qie Wang hung up, turned around, and looked at the night outside the window.

In the distance, neon flashes were faintly visible.

The plane tree in the window blocked some light.

Qie Wang covered his face with his hands. He was silent for a while, and after thinking about it, he decided to go to Xie Xuning and Ye Tianxin for another DNA test.

This time, from the blood collection to the laboratory test, Qie Wang was going to do everything alone.