I'm A Part of Your Life!

The plane flew over Country Y.

Country Y appeared to be completely devastated; the entire place was in ruins.

It was hard to imagine that such a prosperous nation would become so desolate because of a sudden war.

Before the plane was ready to land, Xie Xinghe explained some important matters to everyone on the plane for the last time.

Ye Tianxin also listened very carefully.

Being on the battlefield meant that they would be in danger at any given moment; they could've been killed by a sudden airborne bomb.

Safety was Xie Xinghe's top priority.

The plane landed slowly at the airport.

As soon as the cabin door opened, Xie Xinghe led the way out of the plane.

Ye Tianxi followed Xie Xinghe outside. She felt her eyes scorched by the bright sunlight as she walked out the cabin door.