Big Brother Xie Got His Wife Back

Ye Linlang's ears turned red when she heard that.

   She asked in a low voice, "Back then, that person told me that you were going to marry another woman and asked me to leave with a check..."

   Xie Xuning's handsome face looked surprised after he heard what Ye Linlang said.

   "Linlang, you..."

   Xie Xuning looked at Ye Linlang, unable to believe that she was now talking about those things. Did that mean that Linlang remember everything?

   Did she remember who she was?

   Did she remember her relationship with him?

   Ye Linlang reached out and held Xie Xuning's hand. She choked a little on her voice as she spoke.

   "Yes, Xuning, I remember now."

   Xie Xuning was so excited that his eyes were getting red.

   "Linlang, what happened back then?"

   "Back then?"

   Ye Linlang's heart still convulsed as soon as she thought of what happened back then.