Have You Read the Divorce Papers?

"No, I won't be happy. I don't like it at all."

Sometimes, one needed to put themselves in another person's shoes to understand that person better.

Qie Wang asked Xie Xuning, "Xuning, what should I do now? My wife has already moved out of the house."

"Every woman is different. If you want to get your wife back, you think of how you can do it. I cannot help you in this."

"Forget it. It's pointless asking you." Qie Wang was ready to give up asking Xie Xuning for advice.

"It has always been pointless. She's your wife, not mine. You don't bother to win her back, do you expect me to do so for you?"

"Get lost!"

Qie Wang was really feeling dejected about the whole matter.

"Qie Wang, you need to use your heart to win her back. Be sincere about it. A woman needs to feel loved and cared for."

"All right. I know."

Yan Shanyue suddenly appeared standing by the door. She smiled brightly at Xie Xuning when she saw him with Qie Wang.