He Tolerated Her Time and Again

Li Qingcang stretched out his hand and brushed aside a strand of hair from Ye Tianxin's face.

He took out some clothes from the drawer and handed them to Ye Tianxin to change.

"Do you want to go to the hot spring now?"

Ye Tianxin glanced at her watch. It was nearly 1 a.m. It was too late to go to the hot spring.

"Let's go tomorrow. It's late already."

"All right. I'll bring you to the hot spring tomorrow. Sleep early tonight."

The rehearsal for the New Year concert was very tiring. Ye Tianxin fell asleep almost immediately after she had her bath.

Li Qingcang covered Ye Tianxin with a blanket. The heater was turned on and the room felt warm. Ye Tianxin's face glowed under the moonlight from the window, looking pure like snow.

"Qingcang, don't go."

Ye Tianxin was muttering in her dreams. She grabbed hold of Li Qingcang's wrist.

His world was full of warmth and peace.

She was dreaming about him.