Grandma's Dream

Embroidery was how grandmother to earn a living throughout her life.

She was able to support her daughter and granddaughter through embroidery.

Embroidery was the only thing she could and wanted to do all her life.

"Can I still do it? I am quite old. I'm afraid my eyesight's gotten worse since then."

The grandmother was excited about the idea and thought she could definitely give it a try.

Ye Tianxin smiled sweetly. "Of course! Grandma, you still have me. I can help teach."

Ye Tianxin never backed down on her word.

She hesitated for a bit and said in a low voice, "Grandma, you see, the Capital is so big, yet not many people are from rich families. We should find some girls from low-income families to be students. It could be a useful skill for them."

Deep down, Ye Tianxin knew very well that, in Jiameng, many girls were born in families that preferred having sons.

Their destinies were set in stone since birth.