Failure is Not in My Dictionary (2)

"Tang Song, listen clearly and remember what I am going to tell you now."

Ye Tianxin went close to Tang Song and whispered her instructions into his ear.

She then passed her phone to him.

"Once you cross the border, look for Yan Ge's number on the phone and call him. Understand?"

On hearing what Ye Tianxin said, Tang Song was a little frightened. He looked helplessly at Ye Tianxin.

"What if you are mistaken? You may not have heard correctly."

Exasperated, Ye Tianxin wanted very badly to pry open Tang Song's head and see for herself if there is a brain inside.

"I'm certain I didn't make a mistake. Someone is here. I don't know if it's a foe or a friend, but you have to do whatever I say."

Tang Song was very afraid and anxious. He did not know if he could complete the mission without Ye Tianxin.

It was too difficult for him to do it all by himself. The responsibility was too great to shoulder all by himself.