Tianxin, Are You Trying To Launch A Sneak Attack?

"Dad, Mom, Grandma, I'm back."

Ye Tianxin ran to her grandmother first. She reached out and hugged her grandmother tightly.

Perhaps it was thanks to the opening of the embroidery school, Ye Tianxin's grandmother seemed to be in a better mental state than before, she also felt more energetic and younger.

"You still know to come back? I thought you were having so much fun out there that you're not willing to come home!"

Ye Tianxin held her grandmother's arm and showed an upset expression, "Grandma, I didn't get to play at all. I was this close to not being able to come back, are you not worried about me?"

Grandma sighed, reached her hand out, and pinched on the tip of Ye Tianxin's nose.

"How could I not be worried about you? Look, even my hair is starting to turn white."

Ye Tianxin lowered her head and looked at Grandma's hair. Indeed, there was a patch of hair that was as white as the snow in winter.

Grandma was getting old.