Do You Know Anything About Love?

Shangguan Ling cast a look at Jing Zhichen. "Jing Zhichen, what happened to your face? You look like someone beat you up."

"You're the one who's been hit." Jing Zhichen did not notice that something was wrong when he looked at himself in the mirror earlier. "Oh, no. You were the only one I was with last night. You were the only person that could've beaten me up. Shangguan Ling, what do you have against me? Why did you hit me? I treat you so well, I even want to be your matchmaker!"

Shangguan Ling continued drinking his soup, sipping it slowly as if it was the most delicious food he had ever eaten.

He looked at Jing Zhichen'sexpression curiously.

"Was it Li Qingcang who hit you?"

Jing Zhichen suddenly spat out the mouthful of soup he just put into his mouth.

Shangguan Ling reacted by jumping to the side immediately.

"Jing Zhichen, you're so gross."