Tianxin, Beg Me

"I've given you stronger medicine this time. I know you must feel like hitting me now, but you don't have the strength to do so. I'm sure you want to slap me but feel too weak to do so."

"I bought the medicine specially from the black market abroad. It will make you weak and helpless, leaving you at my mercy."

"Tianxin, don't worry. This medicine will not harm your body at all. You can smell my scent. Do you want it very much?"

There was a hint of annoyance in Ye Tianxin's eyes.

At first, she thought it was just normal medication. It did not occur to her that it would leave her weak and defenseless.

She could now only hide in the bathroom and wait for Li QIngcang to arrive.

It was all right. Everything would be all right.

He would be there soon.

She was almost safe.

"Tianxin, you will beg for me. I'm waiting for you to plead with me!"