Son, Someone Wants to Assault Me!

"Either you sort out the garbage, or I call the police. It's your choice."

At that moment, Li Hang fully exerted himself as someone with authority. The middle-aged woman looked at Li Hang with some trepidation.

"This man's trying to assault me!"

Just as the middle-aged woman cowered in fear, she saw her son walking over, carrying a briefcase. As soon as the man got closer, he saw that it was his mother calling for him. He was not stupid and knew very well what his mother looked like. Unless a man was out of his mind, he would not be as crazy as to assault her as she said.

"What's happening?"

Li Hang calmly folded his hands behind him.

Instead of answering the man's question, he asked instead, "Which unit are you from?"

Li Hang was full of undeniable authority. The man honestly told him what he wanted to know.