An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth

Ye Tianxin could not help but smile when she saw the comments.

Summer'sEnd was a godsend. She had helped them at the right time without even realizing it.

Su Shopping Mall's profits plummeted when the video about Su Dahai's comment was leaked.

"Tianxin, do you want to rest for a while?"

Fang Nan noticed that Ye Tianxin had not rested since afternoon. She looked exhausted.

Ye Tianxin gave a dismissive wave with her hand. "I'm fine, I can still continue with my work."

Although she felt a little tired, she knew she could not rest just because she was tired.

Since she was pregnant now, it made sense for her to rest while she was in the office. Still, she did not want the others to say that she was not hired based on her merits. It did not seem appropriate for her to rest while the rest of her colleagues were hard at work. She would be inviting gossip by doing that.