Chapter 110: Can We Go Faster?

They returned to their starting point and indeed saw a few life-sized dolls standing nearby.

The dolls moved slowly, seemingly without any intention to attack them, though the mere sight of them standing there motionlessly was unnerving enough.

Bai Youwei insisted everyone to grab their belongings.

Everyone followed her order.

In reality, there wasn't much to take along. Most of the items they had were supplies collected from within the maze; dispensable extras. Desperate as they were to get out, there was no time for meticulous packing.

Inside Tu Dan's tent, Chen Hui found a lady's purse. Tu Dan's ID card, bank cards, house keys and a family photograph were kept within.

In the photo, Tu Dan shared a warm smile, sandwiched between her son and husband.

After a brief look, Chen Hui collected the purse and hoisted her backpack, exiting the tent.

Outside, Zhang Tianyang was busy tearing papers from mirrors with his classmates.

"What's going on?" Chen Hui approached to ask.