Chapter 231: Transfer of Topic Selection Rights

"Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap——"

"Mr. Chang certainly speaks well," Bai Youwei clapped her hands with gleeful eyes, "Whoever you are, have you decided yet?"

The man with the flat-topped hair shuddered in fear.

The rabbit stood right in front of him.

He shrank back and stuttered, "You're right... we should... should unite. I... I choose to yield my question selection privilege to... Player number 3."

The Inspector remained silent.

It saw everything.

From the moment Bai Youwei discovered the hidden rules, Yan Qingwen suggested a strategy to clear the game, Shen Mo threatened players with a fruit knife, Fei Ge resisted with his last breath, then came Bai Youwei's use of the rabbit prop...Chang Weicai's fervor...

One thing led to another.

Intimidation, and temptation.