Chapter 358: The Second One

The women stared at each other, nobody dared to pipe up.

The dining hall was deathly quiet.

The Duke's gaze slowly drifted over each of their faces, finally resting on Cheng Xi.

Cheng Xi's trembling body shook even more violently. Her eyes widened in terror, her face devoid of colour. She stood rigid, as if about to faint any moment.

The Duke narrowed his eyes at her, his voice slow and cold. "Have any of you...disobeyed my orders and entered a locked room?"

Fearfully, Cheng Xi shook her head.

She wanted to deny it, but she was voiceless from extreme fear.

"Why always..." the Duke sighed, putting down his knife and fork.

The clanging of metal against porcelain echoed, making everyone's heart skip a beat.

They all tensely eyed the humanoid beast, their hands clenched tightly around their weapons under the table, ready to retaliate.