Chapter 360: Unable to Open

"What if we're wrong?"

Bai Youwei repeated Hu Ya's question, her tone somewhat perplexed.

"If we're wrong, we're wrong, it's just an NPC. What's the big deal if we kill the wrong person?"

Su Man chimed in: "Exactly, it's not a real person, just a game character. No harm done if we kill it."

"You guys!...." Hu Ya was getting frustrated and upset, "What do you mean 'no harm done'? The Gardener is an NPC, he might have important clues! If you kill him, we'll lose those clues!"

Bai Youwei narrowed her eyes and looked at Hu Ya: "What, have you gained any clues from him?"

Hu Ya hesitated and stuttered: "I...I of course have not..."

Yu Yaqing saw the change in her expression and asked sternly: "Hu Ya, do you or do you not?"