Chapter 785: One Arrow in the Wildlife Park

Ye Chong received the message and immediately led his men towards the trap.

If Bai Youwei thought there wouldn't be a second ambush after the first one, he would catch her off guard.

...No, perhaps he should be gentler.

Scare her, intimidate her, let her live in fear and panic, then appear in front of her, one after another, eliminating her team! Then watch her cry, watch her hurt, watch her beg for mercy...

That would be very interesting.

Ye Chong's heart pounded violently, his blood seemed to be boiling inside him, eager to witness such a scene of despair and beauty.

The people behind him were slow to move, so he had to slow down his pace, stopping with frustration.

"Hurry up!" Ye Chong urged them.

In fact, Ye Chong was also tired, although he had eaten the food supplied by the drone today, it hadn't seemed to restore much of his energy, he was still weary, and lethargic.