Picking a present for Madam

Chu Liuyue replied with a question when she heard that. "Why can't I be here?"

"You…" After everything that happened at the Crown Prince's birthday banquet, Chu Xianmin hated Chu Liuyue to the core! When she saw her now, she wanted to rush up and teach Chu Liuyue a lesson! But when the words were in her mouth, she suddenly noticed someone standing next to Chu Liuyue.

It was Teacher Bai Chen from the academy!

She forcibly swallowed her words and retracted her vicious gaze. When she looked up and glanced at Bai Chen, she had her usual warm smile plastered on her face. "Greetings, Teacher Bai Chen."

The others around her only came to their senses then and began greeting him too. "Greetings, Teacher Bai Chen!"

Bai Chen frowned without saying a word. He had clearly heard the entire conversation from earlier!