Encountering Danger

Chu Liuyue's eyes darkened as she unsheathed her sword and thrust it towards the front.


That bright and sharp longsword accurately pierced into the livid horse's neck. The livid horse let out a painful moan, and its eyes became crazier. With a move of its body, it recklessly went straight for Chu Liuyue.

Chu Liuyue's gaze was cold as she turned her wrists. Her longsword sliced forward and split the livid horse's neck in two.


The gigantic head that had turned green landed on the floor and made a loud thud.

The wound Chu Liuyue had dealt to the livid horse was still spurting blood out, but the livid horse's eyes were already wide open. It had also lost its breath after struggling for a short while.

Chu Liuyue kept her sword and glanced at the corpse on the floor. She thought to herself, I don't know this livid horse, and I didn't do anything unreasonable to it, so why was it so against me?