See if you have the good fortune

The streaks of light continued to wind tighter as the golden mane bear struggled in vain. Before long, its range of movement was reduced. It's angry cries also quietened down until it finally stopped moving, not making any sound.

Crimson blood spread on the floor, staining it and making it extra bloody and eerie.

Everyone only saw what had happened within the streaks of light when they faded away.

The strong and muscular golden mane bear had shrunk. It was covered in wounds and had been twisted in an unnatural manner. The blood on the floor came from it.

Mu Hongyu turned and gagged after she took one look.

Cen Hu barely held on, but his pale face had lost its last signs of blood.

Only Gu Mingfeng fared a little better. The corners of his eyes just twitched a little when he saw the scene. His heart was put at ease. After settling the pressing problem, they could finally be considered safe.

But… more problems were brewing quietly.