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Chu Mansion.

Chu Ning did not regain consciousness until the next morning. After opening his eyes, it took him a while to re-orientate himself. That's not right! I was at Tian Lu Academy, talking about how I would head to Wan Ling Mountain to look for Yue'er. How did I get home?

He struggled to get up and toppled the teacup next to his bed.

After hearing the noise, the person waiting outside hurried in. "Lord Chu Ning, you're awake?"

Chu Ning blankly stared at the man who entered. "You are?"

"I'm a teacher from Tian Lu Academy, Xin Shi. Elder Sun asked me to send you back. Now that you're awake, I can return with peace of mind now."

Due to standing guard outside for a night, Xin Shi looked a little haggard. However, his eyes were sincere. "You fainted because you were too agitated yesterday. It's nothing grave. You'll be fine after resting for a day or two."

Chu Ning only returned to his senses then. "Thank you."