A New Beginning

Chu Liuyue was only there for a few hours, and she had already read hundreds of books! They were all Xuan-stage warrior techniques.

Flustered, one of the guards said to Chu Liuyue before leaving quickly, "Y-you stay here and continue reading; I'll go seek Elder Mo Cang for instructions."

The remaining man couldn't resist asking loudly, "Should I continue with the records?"

The man had been writing for the past few hours, recording the summary of the previous days.

One should know that even on the days when the library was open to the entire academy, few people would come. Even fewer would open the books for intermediate or advanced Xuan-stage warrior techniques.

Now, Chu Liuyue had read so many by herself already!

Also, if Elder Mo Cang saw his booklet, the former would be even more upset.

The man—who was about to leave—stopped, clearly irritated. "Of course, we're going to continue!"