A Search

"Of course not! Nobody will make things difficult for you if you can prove your innocence," Rong Jin said.

Chu Liuyue curled her lips slightly. "So, others slandered me and threw dirty water on me, so I have to find a way to prove my innocence in order to clear this wrongdoing? How am I supposed to prove something that I didn't do?"

Rong Jin was dumbfounded. If he weren't worried about his mother and his future, he wouldn't have driven Chu Liuyue to the edge. After all, the matter of Rong Zhen's disappearance had been exposed, so his father definitely knew about Si Meng's existence as well.

He knew his father well. The Emperor would see Si Meng's existence as a more pressing issue compared to his daughter's disappearance.

The only way to salvage the situation now was to find Rong Zhen.