
When Rong Xiu opened his deep, profound eyes, they were filled with emotions. "When did it happen?"

"An hour ago. Lu Yun led some guards to search the Chu residence. They found a hairpin belonging to the Fourth Princess and decided that Ms. Liuyue is hiding Her Highness. Because Ms. Liuyue has yet to return, they took Lord Chu Ning away. They should be arriving at the palace any minute now."

Yu Mo gave a quick account regarding what happened. He glanced at his master's expression and asked tentatively, "Master, what should we do?"

Rong Xiu's scarlet lips lazily rose into a perfect arc; the hostility on his face resembled the chilly spring. "They sure know how to pick the time."

Yu Mo froze, but he reacted quickly.

The royal family would interrogate Chu Ning severely in Chu Liuyue's absence. To justify the so-called evidence, they might make Chu Ning suffer more.