A Young Woman

"Of course, this doesn't mean that you can randomly choose your clans after you enter the next round. After you select the clans you want to enter, you need to get the respective clans' approval. If you don't pass, you need to choose again."

The surrounding commotion became softer, but many people were still very enthusiastic.

Actually, this point was very normal. After all, the clans that could be established in Xi Ling could be considered the most outstanding ones in the entire Tianling Dynasty.

They always had very strict requirements when choosing their disciples. If anyone could enter, that would be too ridiculous.

"But all those present are talents with the Dijing Yuan meridian, so I believe all the clans will welcome you with open arms." Elder Qiuxi added, "I believe everyone knows that the better you perform in the Wan Zheng Competition, the more well-liked you will be amongst the clans. You will also have a higher chance of getting accepted!"