Hundred Herbs Building

Why is this Black Guard so respectful toward Chu Liuyue?

"S-Sir…" stammered Yu Minhan with unease. "Are you mistaken about something…?"

Didn't Chu Liuyue come from outside? Don't tell me she has someone powerful backing her up?!

With a faint smile, Chu Liuyue said, "No need to blame yourself, Officer Duan. This matter arose because of me after all."

Duan Ziyu shook his head. "I'm responsible for your safety, so naturally, everything has to be done right!"

He had been waiting at the audience stand at first, but he didn't expect to see Yu Minhan and the other members of his sect go and find trouble with Chu Liuyue. They must be tired of living!

Chu Liuyue swept her eyes across the stricken Yu Minhan to the others. "It's no big deal, but your arrival is timely. I have some other matters to attend to, so I'll be leaving first."

Duan Ziyu made way for her. "Understood. Please go ahead."