Yin Yang Sky

"Everyone, line up according to the order. You'll enter one by one," commanded Elder Qiuxi, and people immediately went forward.

The first youngster walked to the front of the octagonal barrier and couldn't contain his emotions as he reached out.

The moment he touched the barrier, a silver glow of light flashed across it and covered his entire body.

Very quickly, his figure disappeared before the crowd.

The second person quickly followed behind him.

Qiang Wanzhou suddenly said, "I can't follow you anymore."

Chu Liuyue glanced at him and slightly nodded. "I'm 53, and you're 92, so there's quite a gap between us. After we go in, there's a high chance we won't be together."

Qiang Wanzhou pressed his lips against each other tightly. "I will find you."

Chu Liuyue was slightly dazed, and her lips curved up. Just as she was about to say something, she heard him say, "Before I find you, our contract temporarily doesn't count."