Worlds Apart

Weichi Song smilingly said, "It just so happens that I have some errands for Liuyue to run, so I brought her along with me. Surely Eldest Young Master Jiang won't mind this?"

Despite the smile on Jiang Yucheng's face, his voice turned a little cold and detached. "It's just that the zither room… is a rather special place. I've already made an exception for you by accompanying you there. I'm afraid I can't allow outsiders inside."

Chu Liuyue raised her eyebrows a notch. Outsiders? Jiang Yucheng sure has a way with words now. He hasn't even truly become a prince consort, yet he's already throwing his weight around without any care that he might get himself in trouble because of this. The zither room belongs to me in the first place, so why is he acting like he's the owner of the room now?