Let's See Who Wins First

The crowd looked up! They saw two figures coming over on their swords.

The person at the front was in fine clothes, and her black hair flowed with the wind. A lazy smile was on her breathtaking face—it was Chu Liuyue.

Behind her was a slim and tall youngster in gray, and his skin was so white that it glowed. His five features were unimaginably distinct as his soft, loose, and golden strands of hair flowed with the wind. Even though his expression was cold, he still had the unique youth and energy of being young.

It was Qiang Wanzhou!

Below them was a peacock-blue longsword that faintly glowed with light, and it looked like a silver river in the night sky. Wherever it passed, it silently left behind a black crack in space.

It was very imposing!

The two of them were dressed very ordinarily, but it couldn't hide their outstanding appearance and demeanor. Once they appeared, they instantly attracted countless gazes.