Many Highlights to Watch

This commotion immediately attracted the crowd's attention.

Everyone in the surroundings seemed to have looked over. Those who stood a bit further away would even stand on their toes and stick their heads in to take a closer look.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? What's with the sound just now?"

"I think Ning Zhiqing's pill exploded…"

"Exploded?! What does that mean?"

"What else can it mean? His pill has problems! Something must've happened when he was producing it, which affected this pill's medicinal effects. Hence, it would explode under such a circumstance. Did you see it? There's a large crack on the pill!"

"Haha! I didn't expect the one to have problems not to be Chu Liuyue but Ning Zhiqing! This time, Jiu Xing Alliance has really shot themselves in the foot! They originally could've tied, but this happened in the end… Aren't they bound to lose?!"

The bustling noises came from all directions.