Real or Fake

Chu Liuyue had been busy the entire day, and now she could finally rest at her own home properly. However, it wasn't so peaceful in the Jiang Residence.

After being locked up for a day, Qi Dahe was dragged to Jiang Yucheng's study at night.

The harsh winds blew mercilessly and froze his bones—even his heart was cold.

The door was closed from behind.

In front of him was the cold and stern Jiang Yucheng sitting behind the table. The dim yellow light shone on his face, and he looked very sinister.

A chill ran down Qi Dahe's spine. At that moment, his entire body was frozen, and he couldn't move.


Sun Qi kicked his knees from behind. "Why aren't you kneeling when you see the Eldest Young Master?"

Qi Dahe felt the pain.


He kneeled on the floor.