No Need to Wait

Chu Liuyue almost didn't dare to believe as she confirmed again in detail. She then realized that Tuan Zi's aura was indeed changing along with the Nine-Colored Heavenly Pheasant's bodily changes.

T-this… A bold and ridiculous thought suddenly appeared in Chu Liuyue's mind. Could it be that Tuan Zi and Little Nine—

Gradually, all the rainbow feathers became red—they were like a passionate fire burning across.

Chu Liuyue was ever so familiar with such a red. This was because it was the exact same color as Tuan Zi's body.

Recalling the scene of Tuan Zi being trapped in a ball and being swallowed by the Nine-Colored Heavenly Pheasant, Chu Liuyue's eyes sparkled as she was on an emotional rollercoaster. If… If!

Following the red feathers' appearance, the Nine-Colored Heavenly Pheasant's aura also crazily strengthened.

In the dark sky, it was the brightest existence!