I'll Help You Remove

This pair of eyes actually gave her a very familiar feeling, as if… she had seen them before.

With this sudden look, it seemed like the night sky had a spiral with a lethal attraction.

Chu Liuyue opened her mouth, and a name was almost going to jump out. "You…"

But at this point, that man silently averted his gaze. In the depths of his eyes, there seemed to be a faint layer of mist spreading around to cover the charming eyes.

Chu Liuyue then suddenly recovered her senses and carefully sized the incoming person up.

This was a mysterious man dressed in a black robe and a silver mask. He floated in midair and was looking down at her.

As he was completely dressed in black without any accessories, he seemed to merge with the dark space behind. Thus, she could only forcefully identify that his figure was big. As for the rest… She couldn't tell.

Chu Liuyue stared at him for quite a while and suddenly said, "…Master?"